Updated from time to time with new notes from the books I am reading.
Click on the book you have interest to see the notes of each chapter I have read.
This is a book writen by Ryan Holiday. It gave me a totally new perspective of many habits that I had and how ego was the cause of many wrong things in my life. Check this book notes here.
The book is available here.
A very interesting philosophy book writen by arguably the most famous Samurai in Japanese history. In this book, Miyamoto Musashi explains his view on the "Way of the Sword" and how it is connected with everything we do. Check this book notes here.
The book is available here.
This is a book writen by the ancient philosopher Seneca. He is one of the main figures in a philosophic school called Stoicism. Check this book notes here.
The book is available here.
This is a book writen by Robert Greene. I am just loving the historic examples he uses to explain his ideas. I was just fascinated with the chinese strategist Zhuge Liang and his clever military moves. (The empty castle strategy is increbidly funny).
The book is available here.
This is a book written by Benjamin Hoff and its based on the religious chinese text Tao Te Ching.
Such an relaxing book to read. I love to read it on the park while looking at the sky. The simplicity in every sentence in this book combined with the beautiful philosophic ideas makes the reading experience incredible.
The book is available here.